Madonna still rides

You remember when Madonna got married to Richie? She moved to the UK and got involved in horseback riding. Of course when she fell from her horse 3 years ago it was big news. Her cell phone rang and the horse spooked. She suffered with a broken arm and broken ribs but she never lost her love of riding.

After her divorce from Richie she continues to ride and in fact will be competing at the FTI Winter Equestrian Festival (7 January-29 March) at Wellington, Florida with her trainer British eventer Daisy Trayford. Daisy has been training Madonna for the last 2 years now. Madonna at least got the good sense to get a competent horse trainer after her spill.

Now the question is will she find another man in her life that loves not only her but her horseback riding hobby? I don't think that she has to resort to an equestrian dating site like equestrian cupid . Yes there is a dating website just for horse owners to find each other. At least they have a FREE sign-up unlike those other dating sites.

I would love to see Madonna get hitched up with another horseback rider as a husband.

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