Silly reader, Disney is not just for kids anymore

You'll have to excuse my play on the Trix Rabbit saying for the title of this post but I just to let it be known that the Disney Company and Studios has grown up - way up! Several years back (1985) the Disney Company had a little spin off from the regular Disney movies called "Touchstone". That company was responsible for adult comedies like the Golden Girls, Scrubs on TV and movies on the big screen such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Dick Tracy, The Rocketeer, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Santa Clause, Remember the Titans, Sweet Home Alabama, Bringing Down the House, National Treasure, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dark Water, Hidalgo and Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.

If the movie or TV show was rated PG-13 or higher then Disney would release the film under the Touchstone label.

Now here is something you might or might not know about the animation division of Disney Studios: the animators had a sense of off the wall humor. If you go to and do a search on "X-rated Disney" or "sex and Disney" you will come up with some very interesting stuff. For example the Preacher that marries the Little Mermaid and the Prince is having an erection during the ceremony. The cover on the VHS movie case for the Little Mermaid has a penis as one of the towers on the castle in the background - Disney has since then revised it.

Before you run out an either rent or buy some of those movies you might want to take a trip over to the Disney Movie Club website and get up to 3 movies for $1.99 each. Yes they have the adult fan fare there. After all the baby boomers are aging so Disney has to make money catering to them as well as the kids. All the movies at the Disney Movie Club have free shipping so you don't have to waste any gas to get the movies delivered to your door.

Happy birthday Donna Douglas, AKA "Ellie May"

The actress that played Ellie May Clampett in the Beverly Hillbillies turns 75 today. The photo of her above was taken in June 2007. Below is how she use to look in the TV series that made her famous. So what is she doing now? She lives in Louisiana and does charity work for Christian children's organizations.

The new TV season - fall 2008

Have you seen any of the new shows lately? Last night was the premiere of the new season for Heroes. The network put on a one hour count down to the series. Didn't they have anything better to put on? OK so I watched part of it, the premier show that is. I was intrigued enough to watch some of Heroes episode that followed. Can you say "cheap rip off of X-Men?" Now I know why I didn't bother watching Heroes when it first came out. If I want to watch X-Men type heroes, I'll watch X-Men not a cheap, filled with commercials, rip off like Heroes. Come on screenwriters when will you come up with an original idea other than follow a successful big screen movie?

Now I am waiting for the first episode of CSI to come on later in the week. It will be Gill's last season as head of CSI. I wonder if when he leaves they might find that most of the fan base might not continue watching the show. I personally like William Peterson's portrayal of Gill and I don't like the other CSI spin-offs because they lack the crew that appears in the Las Vegas CSI. We shall see.

I do miss the Bionic Woman that had is first season cut short because of the writers strike and never came back. Another show that almost had the same fate was Pushing Daisies but that show will be back on the air either this week or next.

Pink Floyd loses a member

One of the founding members of the rock group, Pink Floyd has died. Richard Wright died today (Monday, Sept. 15, 2008) from cancer. Not much is being said about his battle with cancer. In the coming days we might hear more about his last days. He was 65 years old.

The latest "Gossip" news video

Since I have not written a blog post in the past week (heck I was on vacation) here is a quick catch up video on what is going on. Pamela Sue Anderson and Palin disagree over an animal rights rally, divorces and a famous bicyclist. Video below.

Jerry Reed died

That good ole' boy, singer Jerry Reed died earlier this month. The singer wrote and sang that funny song "The Bird" which gives new meaning to one getting "it".