What has the actress Mariel been up to lately? Since we haven't seen much about her on the big screen we thought we would take a look. Her last movie was in 2006. She had been busy prior to that writing 2 books, Finding My Balance a memoir, including Yoga & Meditation Routines (2002) and Mariel Hemingway's Healthy Living from the Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life (2006). That last title was a mouth full. You would think that she could find a shorter title for her books. Her personal life has been turbulent with her husband battling cancer and promoting her books. She is rumoured to endorse a book called The Sedona Method which is about finding a happiness set point. It seems to be similar to Mariel's yoga practices. I visited her blog and website, yes she has both, but I could find no mention of Sedona. You would think that if she had endorsed a book that she would have at least put an ad on her blog or at least mentioned it somewhere. On the Sedona site they have a large excerpt from the book quoting Mariel, but no where does it state she endorses the method. I should hope it was an oversight on Mariel's part not to mention it somewhere. The Sedona website has a free DVD and CD offered so you can look into it yourself. Yes this post is sponsored by Sedona but I will always tell it like it is.
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